Bright (Netflix)


From the trailers, it's a cop story in an alternate world with orcs, wands and elves. We kept on seeing their ads back at KL stations last holidays obviously the first thing we did once we got back (well we slept first) was watch it on Chromecast. It was funny, it had an interesting plot and it has Noomi Rapace as a villain. Of course I will watch that.

I do not see the merit of the reviews of Bright. There are even reviews who got offended (gasps) on how orcs are depicted as racial stereotypes. If Scott Ward's character was written as white I bet hell would break loose. That 27% RT would be lower than ever. Get off your high horse guys, THIS IS JUST A FANTASY FILM. Elves at the top, humans in the middle and orcs at the bottom. Take it as it is. If it somehow resembles the racial injustice in the real world, well obviously it would. It's a low fantasy genre after all.

At any rate, I truly enjoyed it. There are a lot of things they still need to cover IMO. Now that Jakoby has proven himself as a good cop, we need to see if this world would be more lenient of his kind. What other jobs orcs do anyway? How about elves? Are they all rich snobs? So far we have not also met a truly benign elf because most of who was shown were too condescending and impatient towards humans and orcs.  I play on the idea that Ward's indifference for elves must have involved a failed romance with a too rich and gorgeous elf. I look forward to more backstories and even more of the universe. They could even go as far back as before modern times to explain the disparity of the three kinds. I'm anticipating the sequel won't take long!

Image from Indiewire


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