Forming Habits Version Something Something
7 Taho vendors. Or 8. Not sure if he's the same guy on the way back. Walked some parts of the neighborhood (if that's what you can call it) today and boy it was... quick. Maybe because it was the weather (it wasn't as hot) or probably because I've become too fond of the area that although it is far apart, I already know where to go. I think I almost made an hour, so maybe it wasn't a good idea in leaving the cellphone at home (or get myself a watch?).
The walk today wasn't "planned " it was just another one of these things I thought I should start, and since I woke up a bit early today, I thought what the heck and go on with it. I initially thought of using the same shirt I slept on last night but it has a hole near the neck at the back and I hate shirts with unsightly holes especially ones that can be seen by people other than myself. I always say it's better to wear clothes that have no brand at all than anything with holes or from ukay*.
So anyway, I walked with nothing but my keys and a 50 peso bill. Everything was a bit automatic too, I tried not to think about what I'm doing and simply started walking. Talking myself out in doing something productive is what I've been doing lately so here I am rewiring myself.Supposedly too my end goal is going to Jollibee but revealing my plan today to the boyfriend who replied: "why not oatmeal" made me quite sad. I got some talk too which dampened my dreams for today of eating a silog meal. Oh well. Sacrifices need to be made.
How long will this last? I have no idea. I just thought this is a much more reasonable way in moving my sleeping fats than toil away at the treadmill. I applaud anyone who can walk there for 5 minutes without being bored as hell. I don't feel like going back to boxing again as well, not now when I feel like I'm at my heaviest.
I also have a few habits I'm trying to keep up which are:
- Eating fruits once a day.
- Stop eating too much at breakfast.
- Walking on Friday after office.
- Walking on Saturday mornings.
- Eating fish (or chicken) at lunch.
I'm hoping to be able to keep all of these and I would like to take in more habits as I go throughout the year. #1 & #2 are perfect the entire week, #3 & #4 just started this week also and #5 needs a bit more push. So far it hasn't been a pain. Just a challenge. I hope I do not ever get bored.
*This is more because of my morals rather than being snobby about it. I always believed (nothing could convince me otherwise) that those clothes aren't from donation boxes, or worse old clothes of dead people. It's taking advantage of people.
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