TME: Getting your NBI Clearance Easy

UPDATE (10/25/2013)

As I've visited their site, GCASH won't be a form of payment for them from now on. You may now choose to leave this link as it is now obsolete as of this writing. I may try to write the different mode of payment in the near future.


Here's the new, updated and lazier version < this is clickable just so you know.

I will not explain the full details, but me and my office mates regularly need an NBI Clearance. It's one of my most hated moments because it is so time consuming. Yes the process is as fast as they can make it, but you only need to see the extremely long queue to give up getting one during lunch break. So, when one of our office mates found a fast track option a whole lot of us instantly grabbed the chance.

There are about 3 steps in getting an NBI clearance (payment, encoding, picture taking) and all involves different sets of queues and what we did was "bypass" the payment and encoding part by doing it online.


Globe G-Cash (with load of course)
Internet Connection

1. On your mobile, go to Sim Toolkit > GCash > Send GCash. On the amount field, put in 140 and on the number (to send it to) 09175638053.

2. Upon successful transaction you will receive messages from NBI and Globe pertaining to the transaction. The message you need to keep should look like this:

Even when blackened, it should be obvious where the Reference No. is.

3. Go to . Your browser should look like the one below. Fill up your email address, make sure you are really using this so you won't forget, add your Reference No. above to the proper field. No need to change the Date of Payment, simply put in the date when you had that GCash Transaction. Choose your purpose and put in the Captcha then Validate.

4. A confirmation page will appear next and then you are taken to another page where you have to fill in your details. Make sure that all fields are 100% correct, and if you can, before clicking any of the two buttons below, check it like 10 times. I mean it. I heard a lot of stories having mixed up details and they end up having problems on site because  there are important details here THAT ARE NOT UPDATEABLE.  Yeah, we have the same protests, one of our QAs is questioning who WAS the QA of this project because this is just preposterous, but we can't do anything about it can't we? 

5. An email will be sent right after, print the attached file. 

6. Set your booking date via text (again) and location where you are supposed to have your picture taken:       

U. N. Avenue, Ermita, Manila 8AM-5PM

ERMITA Basement I Ermita, Manila 10AM-7PM

Level 2 Guanzon St Paco, Mla 10AM-7PM

Basement I Ortigas Ave QC 10AM-7PM

Level 4 Marcos Hi-way Pasig 10AM-7PM

Novaliches, Quezon City 10AM-7PM

3rd Flr Cinema 3 Recto Ave, Mla 8AM-5PM

2nd Flr Cinema I Comm., QC 8AM-5PM

Follow the format below and send to 09175638054
Sample: BOOK AAAABT9 NBIMAIN 11202011 0800 Juan dela Cruz  

7. Appear on the date of your appointment and queue on the 3rd Step (Picture Taking & Finger Print Scan)

Of course, on the day do not forget to:

a. Wear proper attire
b. Bring 2 Valid IDs and the print out.
c. Write your Reference No (I don't know what for, it's already printed out but this was instructed to us at Galleria) and the ID numbers you've brought with you.

8. Now all you need to do now is to wait if you have a hit or a win! Goodluck!

Frequently Asked Questions:

When will I get my NBI Clearance?

Printing is on the same day you've went there unless you have a hit.

How do I know if I have a hit?

You will not receive your NBI Clearance. Instead, you will be referred to go back to a certain date. Never leave the office without them giving you an instruction WHEN and sometimes WHERE you need to go to claim your NBI clearance.

What happens when I have a hit?

Unless your namesake was involved in a heinous crime, you only need to wait a few days (a week at most from what I learn from others) to claim your copy. There are cases though, that you have to go to the main branch, or even, to extremes, to have a court appearance, proving that you weren't the said criminal.

What branches are available?

It's all listed up there. Or you can always visit their NBI website for more.

Why do I have 'y' in my name?

If this is your first time to get an NBI Clearance, the 'y' in between your first name and last name is 100% Normal. In case you forget your history, we used to be a Spanish colony. And we adopted surnames in their time, plus we also have so many names then, so 'y' is somewhat important. We just omit it in our modern usage. For more info, kindly visit this wiki article.

What are other forms of payments?

I only used (and will continue to use) GCash because it's very convenient for me. I am sorry to inform that I have not tried any other mode of payment.

Why is the number different?

You can always double check NBI for the number you have to send in the payment. As I've said, THESE ARE THE EXACT steps I was successful in doing.

Additional Info

One of the commenters here say how it's best to pay during weekdays because he/she experienced paying on a Friday and getting a confirmation text next week Monday. He/she also said something about the 24 hr rule. Thanks anon 9/2/2013!

To sum up it up:

1. Pay during weekdays, try not to do it on a Friday.
2. There's instances when your payment gets credited the next day.


Also, if I have not replied to you, I have already answered your question on the comments of you may have to reread the post to finally get it. Please stop asking questions that are already on the blog and the comments. I already wrote everything I know here. Comprehending the post is much easier than typing and asking the same redundant question over and over. I don't want to be mean but even parents get annoyed when you asked the same things. I'm not replying to the same questions again, okay? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. hello mam! please don't be offended, but have you read the blog? i did write everything you need to know. as a matter of fact, i said that on numbers 6 & 7. thanks!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Joanna Marie Ines is supid

  2. Hi, is this under an NBI? Because if not, it's best to go to any nbi offices where any person can get an nbi clearance, stay at the line whether it is very long which is time consuming then get for the number then wait for your date where you are scheduled to process your nbi fast rather than doing that stuff & when you show this to any NBI officer, I think they won't recognize it because it's illegal or somewhat? And besides, was that written or reported in the news? I think not.

    1. what? this is not illegal. nbi staff are aware of this. we (like a lot of us) were able to get our NBI clearances from the satellite office at galleria with no hassle plus it was so quick. we were done waaaay ahead of everyone who were in the line hours before us. and as you can see from the site i mentioned above, it's legit. since i'm being extra nice today here's a legit link in case you are still not convinced:

    2. hi mr/ms anonymous; if you read the nbi website it's indicated there the e-clearance application so u should never question it as illegal. the blogger is just helping readers how to have faster access so u won't have to endure anymore the long lines. just saying u think first before reacting.
      tinutulungan ka na nga ng tao by giving u info and nag rereact ka pa kung legal or illegal my gosh, dapat kase magbasabasa ka muna, halata di ka nag iinternet, di naman kelangan sa news pa malaman noh?

    3. thanks anon 2:55!

      di ko din alam bat un ang una nyang naisip :-( saka i won't post something here na scam, super talaga si illegal comment haha

    4. Hello Mr/Ms Anonymous. Before making any claims such as yours, I suggest you do your research next time so that it won't be obvious that you are not aware of many things happening nowadays.
      Using the online process saves you time, particularly the hassle of waking up like 2AM and falling in line outside the clearance centers. This was also announced days, weeks and months before the NBI's contract with their service providers expired.

  3. Lol! Natawa ako sa illegal na part. Let me back you up Miss Tina Pie. I poseted something like this too sa site ko and very helpful sa mga tao.


    1. super!! ako din haha!! thanks! i-link kita sa post :-D thanks!

    2. aww yun lang di ko mailagay :-( post does not exist daw

  4. Hi. This is really helpful since I am in a rush of getting my nbi clearance. Just one question po, can I register today and set an appointment tom? If yes, wow! It really is so fast. Thank you so much, this is big big help.

    1. yes. although make sure you receive a confirmation text. goodluck!

    2. Hi! I paid thru globe last Friday and I tried to register on the online site, but, It says that I have an invalid reference number. I made sure it was correct. What should I do?

    3. @nicki kindly read the entire blog

  5. hi! question! pag book ba ng appointment, say mag apply ako ngayon, pwede na kong i accomodate the next day basta nagpa book ako?

    2. about gcash, another concent ko is db merong KYCED chorva ang globe yung iverify sa bsp yung sarili mo or something., kasi ako hindi ko na ginawa yun, so pwede ko pa kaya gamitin yung gcash ko kahit walang kyced chorva? hehe

    1. i think so, yes. ma accomodate agad :-D

    2. parangdi ko na encounter yan kyced chorva mo :-D babayaran mo lang naman ang sa gcash, you can even pay in behalf of other people if you want :-D

    3. hi oo may ganyan akong na encounter. ignore mo lang yan. diretso ka na sa mga pawnshop na nag sesend ng gcash. sila na mag sesend the ref number ifforward sa yo. how about the 'y' in the name? na experience niyo ba?

    4. y is normal. everyone has it pero no one uses it anymore :-D

    5. Regarding the pawnshop-gcash payment thing, I called Globe and they said payments for NBI clearances are only accepted in Globe payment centers. So yeah, even if regular G-Cash payments are accepted in pawnshops, 7 eleven outlets and other convenience stores, in paying for an NBI clearance you have to go to an actual Globe center like the one in malls. Just sharing :)

    6. This morning I went to Robinson's Metro East to get an NBI clearance. I was there by 10am, which is the mall opening. There were around 500 people waiting, so I didn't bother to queue. I learned that those who are in front of the line have been there since 3-4am. I consider myself a patient person but that is something I can't do..and now, I'm here in your blog..very helpful by the way..I have just finished topping up my Gcash account, which wasn't easy. I've had my # registered to Gcash some years ago but I have never used it..went to a Tambunting pawnshop, and I was told that they can't entertain me because of this KYC (know your customer) thingy, and that I should just go to a Globe business center. I tried to argue that I may not need that since I'm a longtime Globe postpaid subscriber, to no avail..I decided to call Globe and was told that my account is verified and that KYC is for prepaid subscribers only. The Globe CS then talked to Tambunting, and I was finally allowed to deposit on my account.

    7. through tambunting? were you able to use it as reference number? one of the posters here had issues on the online schedule of NBI. i hope it was successful for you!

  6. hi, just wanna ask, do i need to wait for booking confirmation?or can i go there without booking confirmation anymore. i already have my qr code printed and book an appointment, but it's been hours now and there's no reply yet from nbi about the confirmation.. and i put tomorrow as my book date.. anyone who can help me with this? thanks

    1. guys, i already got the confirmation code , oh by the way thank you for ms tin a pie for ur post, it's really a great help, God bless :)

  7. did not mention that registering gcash is not that quick. you can' just use gcash as if that's it. post should have been more clear. thanks anyway.

    1. at the very top i said that having gcash is a prerequisite so i don't think i need to discuss how to get gcash in the first place. i'm sorry if you think that i should do a spoiler or something, as far as i remember though it was easy the last time i enrolled to gcash.

  8. Ms. Blogger, do I really have to wait for the booking confirmation code? I've been waiting for like 3hrs now and still no reply from that number 0917-blah.. But I do have the printed QR code. Is it still not enough? Do you think they would allow me to get into the picture taking and scanning stuff even without presenting the confirmation code? Ugh. I really need this by tomorrow. Please reply. Thanks.

    1. wait baka kasi walangganong oras sa site na un? naexperience namin sya dito sa galle, no confirmation for 4pm pero pwede ng lunch time. hope this helps. sori sa late rep!

  9. hello everyone, is the additional 'y' in the name happened to you guys? i just read to other forums that this is normal and as for the married, 'de' is added. For example Angeles, Rolly y Santos. nakakakaba lang kasi bakit may ganoon pa. whew! it's really more fun in the philippines!

    1. y is normal. i think it goes back to our roots since spanish colony tayo before right? ineemit lang natin ngayon kasi di naman need :-)

    2. Of course the 'y' is normal. And as Ms Tin A Pie said, it dates back to the Spanish colonization. And this maybe off topic but before in Spain when you are a widow, it will be attached to your name still: So it's something like: Angelica Clara Luna y Montebello viuda de Alcaraz (and if you wished to remarry and still outlive your husband, another viuda de _____ will be added). Just some trivia. Anyway, thanks Ms Tin A Pie will be getting my NBI Clearance today! :)

    3. thanks for the extra trivia! suppose you have to fillup a form, imagine the headache :-D


  10. hi! so after mo mag-set ng booking via text, iintayin mo pa yung confirmation nila or what? and pwede ba sa district offices mag-set ng location? salamat po.

    1. usually kasi dapat merong confirmation text. the only time that we encountered no reply being received is because that certain office closes it's application early. as for district office, you can check the one I had above or on their website on the available sites you can register to. May address naman po dyan...

  11. can i apply on weekends?

  12. hey, what is this being said in the application?
    (If the e-mail address you provided has not yet been registered in this website, you will be automatically transferred to the registration page. Please check your e-mail for further instructions.)

    1. i think it means that you register your name WITH THAT e-mail address. so basically it will be considered to be used by one person only :-)

  13. How I wish they can also have credit card payment facility. Its less hassle than paying via GCASH.

  14. Hi Miss tin, just want to ask if pwede kumuha ng e-clearance sa iba center. im planning to get it/ book it sana sa metro east.. o sa main lng? may nabasa kasi ako na sa main lng. im confused. thank you :-)

  15. Maam, if I book at NBI Main at a certain date, and say I changed my mind and want to book at Ever Commonwealth instead on a later date, can I text them again for another NBI booking? Will that still be valid?

  16. hi. are the nbi kiosks mentioned above the only choices to have the picture taking? i live in angeles city and i know the nearest nbi office near our place is the one in san fernando.

    1. so far these are the only sites mentioned on the site of nbi. i'm sorry i think you must check with the station. thanks for dropping by

  17. Question po. Hindi ka na ba hahanapan ng queue number once pumila ka for the 3rd step? and anytime (business hours)within that booking date pwede pumunta? Thanks po in advance

    1. nope d kami hiningan ng queue number

      yes kasi di ba may limit ang process per day

  18. Question po ate, pag po ba nagpabook na ako ng appointment to get my nbi, then i found out my hit, babalik pa din ba ako? Kasi i saw somewhere here on the net na pag nagpabook na ng appointment then my hit, pwede raw pakiusapan ang nbi officers to release the nbi clearance kahit may hit depending on the case. In my case kasi i need it for visa application. How true is that po?

    1. yes po, need nyong bumalik for your nbi clearance kasi wala namang iaabot sa yo kung may hit ka. ung pakiusap, you may try but so far those i know who have hits needed to come back at a certain date. dates lang ang aantayin mong ibigay sa yo pag may hit ka

  19. Mam, kumuha kasi ako kahapon ng clearance sa ever recto kaso may hit ako. April 30 ko pa makuha. Pwede pa kaya ako mag re apply sa NBI main ng E-clearace? Mas mabilis ata ang release dun. I need it asap sana. Buti na lang I found your blog. super nakakaiyak ang 6 hours na pila dun sa ever! ='l

    1. even if you re apply at the main office and may hit ka i think pababalikin ka pa din. you just need to wait for your clearance na lang sa tingin ko :-) the thing is if you are aware na may hit ka, everytime na kukuha ka ng clearance agahan mo na lang

  20. hi maam! just wanna ask if ever i apply for it on monday morning can i still have my nbi clearance on the same day? or what if I will apply on sunday (but dba walang office pag week-ends) :( what's gonna happen if i apply on sunday? sorry if ang dami ko question, first time kasi and super duper mdga hanep hyper urgent. thanks a lot in advance!

    1. for as long as you don't have a "hit" you can always get your nbi clearance even before you leave their office. so kung yung name mo ay super duper unique, that is a good sign. plus sabi mo first time mong mag apply so the chances are really low na may hit ka.

      what do you mean apply ng sunday? walang office ng sunday di ba? or do you mean yung pagbayad? it really doesn't matter kung kelan ka magbayad sa gcash, what matters is kelan ka nandon.

  21. ah.. so okay lang magbayad sa gcash ng sunday.. ^^ it's like this, i need to have my nbi clearance on monday before 12nn so i'm kind of super bothered if i will be able to have it on monday ^^

  22. hi tnong q lng po.nag register aq online kahapon and meron nag aappear na "“Please make sure you have not mistyped your reference number and mobile no./date registered" and i followed the steps na nakalagay sa nbi website if ever ngkagnun ung pagreg mo and sb dun withtin 24hrs may feedback aqng mrrceive pero 24hrs na wala p rn..alam mo po b kung pano n?its my first time to apply so wala aqng kaideidea :(

    1. plus i did check ung tnype qng ref no at date eh tama naman po.. :(

    2. call nbi 02- 5261294

    3. na encounter ko yan tapos nagtry ulet ako kinabukasan pumasok naman agad.

  23. Hi. I just want to ask, what if di ka nakabalik sa claiming date na binigay sayo, ok lang ba? Salamat. :)

    1. maybe. but don't you want to know if they can give you your clearance already? some even need to go to court just to 'clear their name', mind you... so pag pinatagal mo pa... well... :-D

  24. Just want to say thank you for your post on the e-clearance process. I almost wanted to try the old school method of getting my NBI clearance and was expecting to dedicate a full day of falling and waiting in line. Really glad I found your post. I got my clearance in just 30 mins (including waiting time). I hope more people will take advantage of this e-clearance process since it really saves you a lot of time and effort. Again, thanks for the post.

    1. yay so glad it worked for you too! goodluck in your future endeavours!

  25. Would anyone know if i can renew my nbi clearance at the southmall outlet? and if, where is it in southmall?

    Many thanks!

  26. San po ba na may malapit na office ang NBI sa Taguig?

  27. Nice info. Balak ko rin kumuha ng NBI Clearance. Last year noong kumuha ako at pumila. Inabot ako ng pagkatagal-tagal. Mula 9am inabot ako ng 6pm. Sana ayusin ng NBI nag patakaran sa pagkuha.

    1. ganyan na lang ang gawin mo para mbilis. pero super yun a 9 to 6!! sabagay kung ang pila nagstart ng 5am, malayo ka n talaga sa katotohanan

  28. Hi tin a pie, your bl0g is very helpful, and thats what i always do in getting an nbi, people who still asks after reading it is really stupid, also asking if its legal or not is waaaaaay stupid, haha.. Just tell them to read the nbi website instead si that theyll know theyre stupid, hahah ;) -stargazer

    1. Baka ikaw ung stupid. Lol you mad? :)))))

  29. Thank you for this...super thank you :)

  30. Hi ma'am Tin A Pie ask ko lang po kung open ang NBI sa Robinsons Galleria ng sabado at kung open hangang anong oras sila? ty...

    1. As per NBI Online

      Note: All clearance center stated above (locations) is open Monday-Friday (except holidays).

  31. Replies
    1. Hi anonymous 7:27.

      PPP is Pinoy Pera Padala. I think it's a recent addition to their payment options for the e Clearance.

      You can try it, but the PPP business is small and only has a handful of branches.

  32. hello tina,im said send to 09175638053 and at the end of your post is 09175638054.its also different from ,09175638053 (at the bottom). do you think its better to send it to the number in the nbi website or thats not updated or old?thank you for helping,nice blog
    = )

    1. HELLO!

      i did use the same numbers in my post. i think they made it so one receives the money and the other is for booking. that's what most of us used :-)

      btw, if you have any doubts though, (it's sending money anyway) you can always check with NBI for clarification. if you're feeling good too, you may inform us all of the updates!

      thanks for your comment!

  33. sorry typo 09175638052 in the nbi website -anon 3am

  34. Please make sure you have not mistyped your reference number and payment date/birthdate

    help please!!!!!!!!!

  35. hi misstinapie! thank you for this guide. very informative! i think you should update it to include the PPP payment option though.

    on average though, would you know about how long it takes for them to process your application if your name has a "hit"?

    i find the whole "hit" thing silly though. of the 99M people in the philippines, how many of them have the exact same name as you, down to your second first name, middle initial and last name?

    and of that number, what's the likelihood that one of them has actually committed a criminal offense?

    i wish they could tie your NBI clearance to a unique identifier like your TIN, so that there would be no more "hits" due to people having the same name as you.

    1. ppp mode i've not tried yet,but if in case I get to experience that, I will update this post.

      as for hits, often it will only take at least a week of waiting. some others though, especially if your namesake has a crime offense too huge, you may even be taken to court just to verify it's not you.

      the thing is we discovered that there are times that your hit is just yourself only with different details. no one will admit to that but for those easy cases, they usually are a hit to themselves but with differences in birthdays, change of address, etc (i personally know one which is really silly). others though gets to have a namesake when they get married so the probability goes higher.

      as for universal number, the philippines has too much democracy that this type of id is yet far in our future which is when the people who kept on thinking that these type of unique personal id is an invasion of privacy and a way to track their 'activities' are already 6 feet underground. there were lots of talks about that before but activists complained about how those information can be used against them, so here we are, to deal with such things :-D

  36. Thank you very much for these info! Was able to book my biometrics for tomorrow.

    I hope there would come a time when all pinoys will have 1 ID number for all transactions/passport/etc.

    1. only the younger generation is up to this. (see my reply above :-D )

  37. Hi po ask ko lang bat ibang number po ang nakalagay sa NBI site sa number dito po sa blog? which is right po? thanks

    1. hello! these are the numbers we used when we paid for NBI. However if you see discrepancies I think yung last numbers lang ang different right? I guess they bought the entire set :-) Pero just to be safe follow NBI para mas secure for you :-D

    2. Hi Ms, Tin,

      Question lang..i got intesrested of applying NBI clearanace online..i paid at Gcash a while ago.had to go online to register..i even got a confirmation code..however it seems like theres an error..i keep on viewing the same page..and i waas advise to send my personal details to nbihelpdesk..sorry i know ur not an nbi employee but do u think my money is not wated and i can still resgister using the same ref.#???

    3. panong you are viewing the same page? were you able to receive a confirmation email that you have to print? sang step ka nagstop?

  38. Hi so may 'y' after sa first name at middle name ko. Typo ba to? :(

    1. hi! i already explained about the 'y' part on the comments... oh well, mailagay na nga sa mismong post :-D

    2. thanks tin a pie...!!!ill get mine tom using this e clearance...jst want to ask if how long b4 ma released pag mat hit....?and pareho lng ba sa robinsons... or is it better sa main ang booking para kahit may hit i can still get it the same day....?if same lng sana sa robinsons nlng para d na ko lumayo...pls reply...

    3. on the day, if they have not issued you a clearance, they'd give you a date when to go to claim your clearance. usually walang nakakakuha ng clearance ng araw din na yun pag me hit :-)

  39. Hi Tin A Pie,

    how long does it usually take for them to receive my payments, I had already a confirmation number, since I had to go to tambunting as sending agency, had it in the morning and till now, I cant register it. it says I had an invalid ref. number, we double check it and it is correct, help!!!

    1. it should be asap. as in pinapayagagan ba ang through tambunting?? i think you need to check with NBI na po. i only know through gcash

  40. Hi Tin A Pie,

    Thank you so much for your blog and answering queries on the comments. So far I have done all the steps and booked a schedule for tomorrow 1pm at Robinson's Metro East for my e-clearance. I'm just a bit nervous though since I haven't seen any posts of someone who has gotten theirs there. Is it really available at Robinson's Metro East? I know you already posted it asone of the branches. Sorry, i just wanna make sure so I won't be disappointed to find out they only have it at the UN branch where so far, everyone goes for the e-clearance. If you have any info re this, pls let me know. Thanks a bunch! :)

  41. Hi Tin A Pie,

    If I booked for tomorrow, do you think I can get that tomorrow? I'm sure i have a unique name. Thanks

  42. hi,

    thanks for this very helpful info. just a question, I applied for my nbi clearance last 2011 in nbi sta.rosa laguna, was asked to go to nbi main after a week because i have a hit :-(. now i need to get a new one.will it happen again if i do it online? or they can still release it without any hassle like yours since it will be by appointment? thank you.

    1. most often once you have a hit, it will stay that way. i know a lot of people who kept on getting a hit everytime. sad to say they have not done anything to alleviate this type of problem.

  43. Hi Tin A Pie! Yung regular load mo ba ang nabawas nung gumamit ka ng GCASH?

  44. hi po..bkit po ang lmlbas sa nbi site "Please make sure you have not mistyped your reference number and payment date/birthdate." e tama na man po ung ref number saka sbi nyo po ung date e ung kung kelan ako ngbyad thru gcash..lagi po gnyan lmlbas..anu po pde ko gwin?..thanks po

  45. Hello.ask ko Lang po Kung kailangan ba magpa schedule agad right after you get your QR code printout email. Pwede po ba after a week yun
    Pag schedule? Thank you po!

  46. Hi Tin A Pie. Just wondering if they will check the booking confirmation aside from the print out of the QR code?

    I was trying to book for a 1800 hrs in Rob Ermita pero sabi up to 1600 hrs lang daw ang booking. I have work 'til 5pm kasi so gusto ko sana 6pm na lang pumunta dun to have my clearance printed tutal hanggang 7pm naman sila.

    OK lang kaya na 4pm yung i-book ko pero 6pm pa ako pumunta dun?

    Thank you!

    1. the thing is there are two things that you need to know about NBI. first, there are branches that close early. second, i don't know kung binibilang nila ang through online nagbayad, pero meron lang sila quota per day na pinaprocess. there's a possibility na hindi ka na nila pansinin.

      we did ours ng lunchtime. wala pang 1 hr dapat yun tapos ka na :-D

    2. Awww... Guess I really have to leave early from work.. Anyway, thank you very much. This post is very helpful, plus the fact the you reply to queries.

  47. Can i ask u something...
    wats rong here...
    Please make sure you have not mistyped your reference number and payment date/birthdate.
    in ur example above ders no birthdate but im having trouble logging in...

    1. try mo lang ulet kinabukasan ganyan din kasi ako kahapon hindi ko maipasok then sinubukan ko kanina pumasok naman agad siguro itry mo sa morning.

    2. there is no birth date because it's just an example screen dude. what's the point of me filling that out when I'd blur it out anyway?

  48. Hi Tin A Pie,

    First of all, thank you so much for this post. I am planning to get my nbi clearance sometime in the next few weeks, and this info is VERY HELPFUL.

    2ND, i salute you, for being SO VERY patient in answering all those inquiry that I've read. The first few, yeah they're valid. But PLEASE! yung iba hindi ata marunong magbasa, or umitindi rather. Coz their questions were already answered actually, if only they bothered to read the other comments. And sorry, i just have to mention the 'illegal part'. Like, duh??? Surely, you wouldn't post an illegal thing here, most especially linking to a gov't agency, and yeah none other than NBI itself, when you know that they could easily trace you. And there are lots of ways naman din to validate the info you presented. Some people don't know how to use their brains!

    Anyway, thanks again. Will try to let you know in case i have other related info. :) - brigette

    1. awww thank you! it's nice knowing i'll be of help. oo nga e. sinabi mo pa. paulit ulit na lang kaya nagkaron na ko ng FAQs in the end. original post wala pa yun.

      goodluck sa pagkuha ng NBI! :-)

  49. Di ma-aacept ng NBI-online site yung reference number ko, ang lumalabas is "Please make sure you have not mistyped your reference number and payment date/birthdate." :(

  50. hi bakit po iba yung no. niyo to send an appointment? sabi kc s globe 09175638053 sainyo 54 ung dulo is it ok din?

  51. Hi! Pano po magbayad thru GCASH? Nung ginawa mo ba yung sa blog mo, kelangan pa ba mag register o pwde ko na gawin yung instruction mo right away? Help plsss.. Thanks! :)

  52. been trying since yesterday, i'm getting the same error Please make sure you have not mistyped your reference number and payment date/birthdate." i emailed their support team but still no response

  53. @Gretony Garcia

    it's 09175638054 as posted on the official NBI site, you will also be given instruction on the QR form
    this will show the correct number

    Key in:
    Sample: BOOK AAAABT9 NBIMAIN 11202011 0800 Juan dela Cruz

    Send to: 09175638054

  54. finally i was able to proceed with the validation of the ref number but i needed to call the NBI helpdesk to do so, according to Abby my payment has'nt gone thru but she could already see my Gcash ref number, i called around 8:00 am and was told that she will update the details and offered to call me back. after 2 hours she rang back and told me everything was ok, tried it and it works. Guess it takes sometime for gcash to remit the amount to NBI. thankfully the girl (Abby) was very polite and did was she needed to do and did call me back.

    call 5261294 or 5238231 loc 5499 (NBI Support Help Desk) and look for Abby.


    1. Hi Sebastian,

      Were you able to book immediately after getting that call from Abby? As in were you able to get your clearance within the same day? Thanks!


    2. hello!

      you should. i know officemates who were able to have all steps done in the morning and by lunchtime they're in NBI office already.

  55. hi! thanks so much for this article :) It was very helpful especially for newbies like me :) I'd also like to recommend that you do your Gcash deposit and verification in the site on weekdays. I paid Gcash on Friday, and spent hours agonizing over the message "Please make sure you have not mistyped your reference number..." So despite the 24hour rule, I still could not get through last Saturday and Sunday. I tried it Monday morning, and was able to register with ease :)

    1. ohh so that's why i never encountered that error because I only paid while at the office! thanks for the info!

  56. Thanks for the article! It really helped. I hate standing in long queues and thought that this online options was amazing but unfortunately they don't have a satellite site listed for Las Pinas / Alabang for the picture/printout.

    Does anybody know where I could get NBI Clearance in Alabang? I heard there was one in Victory Mall but then some posts say it was relocated. Help please? Thanks!!!

  57. ask ko lang.. pagdating mo on your appointed date,pumila k pa rin ba?wat did u exactly do..?


  58. Hi.
    I've followed the process through GCash and when I enter the reference number, and every detail needed (CORRECTLY OF COURSE SINCE I TRIED IT AND RETRIED IT FOR LIKE A MILLION TIMES) it only says "Please make sure you have not mistyped your reference number and payment date/birthdate." ALL THE TIME. any help or suggestions?

  59. Hi! I just want to ask kung kailangan ko pa bang gawin yung process ng pag register online or pwede na mag walk-in na lang ako sa NBI clearance center nila?

    1. you have to if your mode of payment is like this. i don't think they'll accommodate you without it. unless of course you prefer the long queues. each step is a different queue mind you

  60. Hello! Ask ko lang po kung pwede ba makakuha ng NBI clearance outside Metro Manila outlet like here in Cavite, but still using our address in Pasig? gusto ko kasi kmuha sa Robinson Imus this week, pero address ng house nmin sa Pasig ang ilalagay? Bka kasi only for Cavite address lng pwede makakuha? hindi pa me kasi mkaluwas ng Maynila agad ngayon at alam ko sobrang dami lalo ang kumukuha doon in any Rob branches in Manila kya dito nlng sna ako sa Rob Imus kkuha. Bka kc mmya hndi pwede na Manila address ko, tpos sa Cavite pa kumuha.. Thanks for the feedback. :) God Bless!

    1. yes you can. i live (sort of) in cavite but never attempted to get an nbi clearance there.

  61. Just sharing another post on getting NBI clearance in Quezon City Hall branch.

  62. hi! nagawa ko naman po step by step pero nun ng send ako ng text para sa booking request hindi pa dn po ako nakareceive ng booking confirmation code. ano po dapat kong gawin? if 24hrs. na wla magsend nalang aq ng bagong text message? o pede na ako magpunta dun sa location na pinili ko at date and time na nilagay ko sa text? help po please

    1. please read the whole blog. I already mentioned it there.

  63. website not working as of writing


  64. I agree. The website is not working anymore and I called nbi. Wala na daw silang online :( Sayang.

  65. hi!i got a "Hit" today and im just wondering what type of complaints ung nadedetect ng NBI?un b ung cases n finile sa PNP?unpaid bills?what exactly ung mga crimes n ndedetect nila?and possible b un n ndi m alam n may kaso ka pla?and i remember ung nagencode nung details ko nilagay nia new application eh nakakuha n ko before way back 2008 pero single pko..possible reason dn b un kaya nagka hit?

    1. I don't think you get hits for unpaid bills (unless it has gone to court). The hit they say are for people with names in duplicates (or more) on their database most especially if your namesake happens to be a criminal. Although there are exceptions and if you back read on the comments here, there are some who get hits by themselves due to changing of addresses. And what sucks is once you get a hit, you always will.

  66. What if I don't have a middle name? what will I put on the Middle Name field? thank youu

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  68. kung may hit ako sa unang try ko dati sa NBI, possible sa second na kuha ko may hit pa din. wala bang database si NBI na this person is already has there nbi na before. para di na makahintay ng ilang days. :)

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