The Hobbyt: Cross Stitch

Cross stitch is probably the very first hobby I got myself into. I still have a few pieces at our home in Cavite where my works are still displayed. Due to COVID I found myself looking for hobbies to do and here I am getting back to the original hobby I loved. What do you know? I didn't have problems getting back to it at all! If you find yourself trying out cross stitch as well. don't worry I can help you with that. This is your ultimate guide! PREP YOUR TOOLS Unlike most hobbies, you can get by with barely any tools. Usually the kits that you buy already include the pattern, advised aida cloth and the numerous threads that you will need. VERY IMPORTANT TOOLS: 1. Needles The only needles you need are the ones that have the large holes and dulled tip. You may use the normal needles but the stabby part would hurt your fingers, and it's not needed since the cloth you use are already dotted with holes. Prepare a lot of needles. I bought 6. You'll never know when you will...