A dystopian TV series from Brazil, this is another take on the recurring theme where impoverished citizens are pitted with each other to alleviate their status. In this case it's a series of tests (it took an entire season even) that assess their merit on whether they deserve to reach the Offshore (the utopian society counterpart). We start with a handful of primary characters who are of varying personalities and intentions. Initially we already get our stereotype favorites only to hate them later on and vice versa. This is one of the best character developlment I have ever seen on a TV series that I already finished Season 2 and I still could not decide whose side who I'm on and if it matters at all. It's as if all of the main 5 characters (Michelle, Fernando, Rafael, Marco and Joana) are their own protagonist and antagonist of each other at the same time. Season 1 involved different tests and their backstories. We see them breakdown and rise to the occa...