My First Home Loan! (SECB)
Hooray!!! I'm ecstatic! I just received my schedule with Security Bank with my Home Loan and I couldn't be any happier. I was a bit nervous that I wouldn't make it with my deadline but it seems like my schedule was perfect. For a first timer this is not bad :-D December I have no experience in loans, except for the one I did with SSS* so I don't know what to do. I did prepare myself with the most important document I have on my disposal which is my FORM 1701 (Annual Tax) so I think I have a bit of chance there to be approved. While I'm not broke, most of the money I have are either invested, not liquid or something I could not present. Other than my current responsibilities with the DP of the condo and other bills, a huge chunk of my salary goes to a joint account for our wedding. On my first attempts to apply for a loan I had a friend of mine who is affiliated with the developer question the bank account, since my boyfriend who shares the joint account with me is n...