Quick Rant: Mar Roxas (6.9.10)

Electorate protest my a$$.. Can somebody just tell Mar that it wasn't
his destiny why he didn't become VP?! After all it's his running mate
absolute reason why HE MUST win.

Image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiNAmFiB3fv4t6WItnrYb2KA1ZT9cjR-Rfe8jtrGW8_WodOYF5rrhzEPwns0Qt7WLJOTF-ip_t_FjFhloXdy1OnATTp5OPUcTZJ9Vyq86tq6kaN8xDNV0xIEXoPnVqr_5DBxTgEugU2mIeO/s320/Mar+Roxas3.jpg


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