T&J Weds: It's done!

We're now officially married! Last Monday, June 14 we've went to the Las Pinas City hall and we've finally tied the knot via an intimate ceremony in front of a judge. When we said intimate, it's just us really, a judge and two witnesses who are the judge's staff. We could have gone without any witness at all but since it's required to have them, we decided to get the people there instead of having any of our family members to limit the contact with other people. Moreover, this ensures that no one would feel left out because.. everyone is. + Hol up, let's start from the beginning + Prior to the event I was contemplating whether I should get someone to do my makeup and hair but then Reagan have an excellent point, Since I'm wearing a mask, there's no need to spend money over something no one would see. Which is why I had to wake up extremely early to DIY myself: have my hair curled and have my face with the most minimum thing I (think I) can do. I bar...