Car Chronicles: Part 3: Parking and First PMS

It has been 2 months and a few weeks of owning CC. As of writing I've been on so many weekends of training and practicing with Reagan. This also marks the 2nd day of me driving CC around on my own to and from my place to EDSA Shang and Megamall respectively and I feel like even though I still have the jitters on the road, I think I'm getting the hang of it. Mostly. But I'm getting way ahead! Let's rewind for a bit. + My obsession with 45 Degree Reverse Parking + One of the things that made me obsessed those weeks of training was not with driving but with parking. In my head it's obviously a big problem because unlike when I used to live at our house in Cavite, which has an ample space to just park to (it's just in front of the house) it's imperative that I know how to properly park with only a 45 degree reverse parking because of the limited area I have in our condo building. In accepting CC, I actually got a parking in haste, I found the cheapest one who c...