My (Cheap) Kindle
After a hearty lunch at Buffalo Wings (Capitol Commons branch), we were so full we just had to take a very long walk. We ended up going to HMR for some bit of aircon (ber month and it's still hot can you believe it?). I've been there before once and wasn't impressed. There are just too many items that are either dusty or broken or old that I can't appreciate what's with the fuss. So anyway, I told the boyfriend I was thirsty so we dropped by at Tasty Tucker (oohhh they've renovated the place, it's now so posh!) for a quick drink. When we're done, he spotted the closed area for gadgets and suggested we look. I have nothing in mind at that time but my eye caught a box with a weird price. I asked to check the item and was obliged. OMG, that Kindle Paperwhite is so effin' cheap! I was told that they get regular shipments of this and the cautious me was finding everything so unreal, yet at the same time urgently agreed to buy the item and paid for it as ...