TME: NBI Clearance Again!

Before we start let me remind you that you are actually reading a post of mine because you are too lazy to go directly to their website to learn how. That or you were confused where the heck is the NBI website because clearly the one in NBI 's button isn't working for the NBI Clearance site (who makes these websites, don't they have a QA?) ; yeah it's a different site I know. Here's a summary: --> This is where you go when you feel like reading their achievements and whatever announcement they can think of --> This is where you go when you need to apply for an NBI Clearance. Now, you are still lazy to go there to learn the steps HOW TO APPLY FOR ONE? Fine. Read on. We are all aware of the long queues in government offices (Why don't they just hire more people? Don't we have tons of jobless graduates?) so you've probably heard that you can go straight to Photo taking stage and Claiming but...