The Influence of Financial Books #5. Pay Yourself First

Before I even started reading books, I was already introduced to this concept by Ed. I was fascinated by this and ever since I've learned about it I became more dutiful in saving. Pay yourself first is a concept wherein you simply have to allocate a portion of your money as payment for yourself, may it be for the work that you did or for the commission you received. Think of yourself as a resource that has to be paid. For most of us this is in the form of a treat, like a spa, or a movie. But we should not interchange this wonderful concept to indulgence. There is a huge difference. Bear in mind that in paying yourself first, you are making sure that you, your very own resource gets paid for the time you spent on working every single day and not the owner of that boutique you bought those pair of shoes. Not clear enough yet? Look at your paycheck. See the tax there? That's one way of seeing the beauty of paying yourself first. The government wants itself to get paid FIRS...