
Showing posts from May, 2010

Obviously Written How To Land your First Job [Part 5] (05.22.10)

When I was just starting I didn't get what my mom was so fussed about reading my contract over and over. I didn't care back then and good thing my mom is there to clear the clauses included in my contract so as I won't mess up and do something stupid. She acted like my personal lawyer together with my dad ensuring that their first daughter don't recklessly sign a contract to sell herself to the devil. I didn't even remember now what were the benefits the HR told me about. Lesson 4 The Confusing World of Job-Hunting When I was younger I only know of being hired by a certain company to work. I didn't know that that is what they call a 'direct hire'. Usually in this form of work, you get full benefits of whatever company you are in, healthcare, bonuses, trainings, etc. You can even have an ID with the company's initial on it. Most often when hired here, make sure that the company is stable for in cases when it goes bankrupt you have no choice but to pac...

Obviously Written How To Land your First Job [Part 4] (05.19.10)

Mistake is what made me realize what I really want. In this field of work where I am now, I realize I am not exactly a people person. And it took me an experience in the CC field for me to learn that and how I usually complained alongside my SA on how our users are. They are whiny, they're always the boss and they get what they want no matter how ridiculous, how tall the order is and how weird their requests are. They can even ask you for your soul and you have no right to say no. Lesson 3 Decisions you should avoid Don't settle down 'just because'. Make sure that when you pursue a job, you are serious about it. It's not like college where you can drop a subject because you wanted to avoid your instructor who is a cult member or has a thing for you. Think long-term. Are you really sure that you wanted to be a Mini-Stop crew for the rest of your life? Of course it is not wrong and it is an honorable job, but how can you earn the right experience for the right job if ...

Obviously Written How To Land your First Job [Part 3] (05.17.10)

Lesson 2. The Most Obvious Question You Should Have Asked For in The First Place This lesson is just a ruse for me to bash the hell out of you on why you are reading this. First of all this question is what you should be asking yourself even before you started college. And when you do get up to that stage you should clearly have an idea what you are most likely to end up with. Sure you can go for jobs where you think best fits you but there is no comparison to what you were trained 4 years for. Okay, so I won't be ranting here all lesson. Let's just go through with what I have experienced. You might learn something. I officially graduated from college, December 2006. At that time I was in the same position to those who are done with schooling but not a single idea where to go. My initial reaction was to look for anything about being an IT personnel. It was my dream job back then. I didn't care about the money, but I do care that I know something about pcs, most thanks goes ...

Obviously Written How To Land your First Job [Part 2] (05.16.10)

From the last post I left off saying I'd be giving you a list of why you needed to find work as early as you can after college. I know this may sound ridiculous but I promise you aren't going to regret being the early bird. Lesson 1. Make the Most Out of Your Freshness. (Part 2) Reasons to Convince You To Start Job Hunting Early 1. If you are like 70% of the year's produce (a.k.a. college graduates) you are most likely hitting Jobstreet, JobsDB, [insert your job link here] or the mayor/mall sponsored Job Fair. You see both of these forms of looking for a job usually have feedbacks longer than anticipated. Most often it will take months before you ever get to the first step or for them to contact you so better start early. Now where's the 10% you ask? That's partitioned to back to school graduates who don't really need to look for a new job because they already have one, the rich kids who are already sent to their parent's businesses (so no need to read here ...

Obviously Written How To Land your First Job [Part 1] (05.16.10)

It's hiring season again yey! I'm assuming that when you are reading this (unless you are already an employee of course) you have already finished college. Never mind if it took you 5 years for a 3-yr course (tri-mestral). Never mind if the school almost gave you a loyalty award. They even scrapped the idea of immortalizing you with a statue or present you a masterals on that subject course you've repeated the 6th time; not even renaming that theorem after you. What matters is that you are already done with college. And this, dear graduate, is your best advantage. Lesson 1. Make the Most Out of Your Freshness. One of the things I was already aware of back then was you can use your 'freshness' as your advantage. By far this is your strength if you were like me back then who aren't really sure what job I wanted to end up with. What made it so hard is because as an IT graduate there are tons of branches you may end up with and could go on and on for as long as you ...

Urgently Needed! President! (05.13.2010)

Let's just imagine that last Monday, May 10, you were all HRs. We all know how important the screening is to HRs to give the job to an aspiring applicant, but how about when it was like the elections? Let's look at how I think you have voted as if you are an HR: Acosta for instance. You voted for him even if you knew he's already disqualified. It's as if he's an applicant who was told to go home yet you as an HR still hired him. Erap would be more like that old employee who you kicked out then hired again even with all the misconducts he has caused in your company. Jamby would be a case of that employee who just applied because she believes that one of the applicants are up to no good so she's there to talk sense out of you. This she does by applying for the position yet doesn't really care if you hire her or not. As an HR you should realize why you are wasting your time interviewing someone who isn't really that interested. Villar could be compared to t...

Ate Lani? Whatever. (4.28.10)

For the sake of readers who hasn't experienced seeing Bacoor in all it's glory let me describe it to you. It is one of those places that when you have a choice you'd never like to live in. For starters there is the never-ending problem of flood. It's murky and dark and heaven knows what it is made up of. Basically yucky. Why? Because of those trash piling in creeks. Damn it. You can see it out of the window of whatever transportation you choose. There was even a time that when it poured a little rain and you can see how those little creeks overflow with that yucky water and garbage. And then there's the road. I have already mentioned this mythical road of Revilla on a photo blog before right? The one where he is so proud of. There is no such thing as a fixed road as he claims. Try commuting to and fro and you'd agree with me 100%. Okay so this is just what I see since I haven't seen the entire Bacoor PROVINCE much. All of which I said that is what any other ...